News & Updates

Roaring Fork School District/Charter Compact: Featured in May 13 Event and Upcoming Report

The Roaring Fork School District and charter schools located in the district have established a district-charter compact that has improved relations for everyone and begun to facilitate real change. The Gates Family Foundation helped build the Compact and has commissioned a report describing the Compact and its impact. The foundation is hosting a public forum on the work this Friday, May 13, at 10:00 am. You can register for the event here. After registering you will receive a copy of the report.

Improving district-charter relations is always a priority for CACSA, and the work by Roaring Fork Superintendent, Rob Stein, may be of interest to many district leaders. Historically, relations between the district and local charters – two of which were approved by CSI – were not good. Since forming the Compact, one school has transitioned from CSI to the district and progress on concrete collaboration has begun. For example, the schools and district have aligned their enrollment timelines – easing budgeting and staffing issues for both the district and charters. Learn more about these developments at this Friday’s event.


CACSA/CDE Quarterly Authorizer Meeting: May 25, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm

The Quarterly CACSA/CDE authorizer meeting is scheduled for May 25, from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. It would be wonderful to see people in-person if you can make it. The meeting will be a hybrid, virtual/in-person format. Registration and information on the location are below. The draft agenda includes:

  1. Legislative recap;
  2. Charters’ pressing needs and opportunities for authorizer support;
  3. Authorizer’s implementing NACSA’s 12 Essential Practices;
  4. Follow-up to policy changes regarding students with disabilities;
  5. Updates from CDE and CACSA.

Date:         Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Time:         9:30am-3:00pm
Location:   Lakewood Public Library Meeting Room
10200 W 20th Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80215

Register here today!