This update has information on 3 items:
- Tri-state conference call on policy in all three states, today.
- A webinar on overseeing governing boards, tomorrow
- Draft catalog of resources for CACSA ready for your review.
Conference Call on Policy Lessons from CA, CO, and FL. Today, 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. Representatives from CCAP, CACSA, and FACSA will discuss their latest state policy developments. Learn about developments and discuss implications. Login:; Dial: 7207072699; Meeting ID: 153 897 920
FACSA, NACSA, and the Florida Department of Education hosting webinar on oversight of charter school governing boards. May 30, 2019 (10:00 am to 11:30 am MDT). No cost; register here:
Comment on the DRAFT Catalog of state resources available for comment. The document lists current Colorado resources for authorizers. As part of our authorizer needs assessment, CACSA members and friends are invited to commend on the draft. In particular, we would like to know which of these documents are good as they are now, which need updating, and which are too old or unusable. Follow this link to the document: