CACSA/CDE Quarterly Authorizer Meeting
Friday, 9.17.21; 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
(No CACSA Authorizer-Only call this month)
The quarterly authorizer meeting is this Friday. The meeting will be convened as a hybrid in-person/remote event. The zoom link for those joining remotely is available after registering through the link below.
- When?Friday, September 17th, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
- Where?Jefferson County Schools Foundation, 581 Conference Place Golden, CO 80401, Seminar Room 12
- Registration: Found here
In lieu of the quarterly meeting, this month’s CACSA Authorizer-Only phone call is cancelled. We will meet again at our regular date/time on the third Wednesday of the October and November from 1:30 to 3:00. All authorizers are invited to join us on October 20 and November 17.
Student Growth Data Available (Supporting Resources and Webinar Available)
CDE released the 2021 school and district performance data, including CMAS and Access Growth Percentile data. This year’s version of growth data includes a baseline-referenced growth measure, which compares 2021 growth to previous years’ performance; and a cohort-referenced growth measure which compares schools and districts to their peers this year. A CDE document provides information on the differences between the baseline and cohort approaches here. The data can be accessed here.
CDE is convening a webinar to discuss the new baseline-referenced growth metric on September 29, from 1 to 2 pm. This webinar will provide an overview of the new baseline growth metric, including student growth percentiles and median growth percentiles. The session will describe details specific to CMAS and WIDA ACCESS, considerations for the data including timeframes for analysis, use, and planning expectations. For more information contact CDE’s Dan Jorgensen: You can join the webinar with this link.
CACSA Membership Drive Underway!
CACSA’s annual membership drive is underway. Membership in CACSA brings powerful benefits. If you are already a member or want to join for the first time, you can follow this link, or contact Alex Medler at Michael Everest from Weld Re-5J described the benefits of membership like this,
“CACSA has been an indispensable partner my first year as CFO for Weld RE-5J! I had zero prior experience with charters and CACSA helped my district navigate a complicated charter application. If your district has charter schools or might have a charter, you should be in CACSA!”
New CACSA Materials Released
CACSA has posted new resources, including the CACSA Model Charter Contract, and the Colorado Charter School Renewal Package. Webinars and technical assistance with these resources will be available this fall. CACSA is in the final stages of preparing materials for new authorizer boot camps that will provide an in-depth introduction to the work of authorizing for professionals that are new to the work.